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  • Harry Says “Just get on my wheel and you will be alright!”
  • Harry Says “Put in an extra loop down the coast road”
  • Harry Says “Ride your bike!”
  • Harry Says “Just a steady 2 to 3 hours”

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'A' group Sunday 2nd March.

Motorolley's picture
on Fri, 28/02/2014 - 02:11
I know the Captain's away this weekend, so I was wondering what the plan was for what could be the first 'Spring' ride!? (Will anyone be brave enough for shorts!) I'm working in the afternoon, so if it's not the usual 12-1230 hrs back to the shop then I'll be looking to peel off at an appropriate point without indulging in any tea and medals at the cafe! Fingers crossed for the weather! Gareth.
danmon_81's picture

not out sunday...of to shoot the Pimbo road race....hoping to get out Saturday instead! Wonder if anyone will brave the summer bike, never mind the shorts!!

willow71uk's picture

Very tempted to get the Summer bike out especially as it just had some new Fulcrum wheels put on it.

mr_poll's picture

Bloody hell Gareth what you doing posting at that time - could you not sleep worrying about the Sunday A ride!

I will happily take the A ride if there are no other takers - will try and improve my shouts after losing the group at one point 2 weeks ago.  

simonsaunders's picture

Have you lot seen the weather forecast for Sunday? It's like last week with rain. Shorts? My arse! Summer bike  - not til April for me.

Might make it out, happy to tag along with Neil, maybe a coast road run this week?

simonsaunders's picture

Have you lot seen the weather forecast for Sunday? It's like last week with rain. Shorts? My arse! Summer bike  - not til April for me.

Might make it out, happy to tag along with Neil, maybe a coast road run this week?

Motorolley's picture

The joys of shift work, Neil! That's why I post at all hours - I'm more nocturnal than.......whatever the opposite of nocturnal is!!? Simon's right though, weather is looking s@%t for tomorrow! Might have a lie in instead!


Cervelo_Dave's picture

Thanks to Neil & Simon for leading a strong 'A group' contingent of around 25 - 30 riders around Formby and along the Southport coast road yesterday. No thanks to the good old British weather for giving us a soaking in Southport nor for the cold headwind that gave the group a bit of a blasting on the final run down the A59 to Fettlers for respite indecision Major props to Charlotte for being the only rider I saw in our group without full winter gloves, tough lady cool and major boos and whistles to the Banks white van driver (MM51 XYZ - keep an eye out angry) for behaving like a spoilt child who wants the whole road to himself. Well done everyone for not rising to his bait for the most part, and thankfully we got away without any serious confrontation.

It's always fun to have a bit of a blast down the coast road but I thought it was a very well controlled ride and it really didn't feel much different to an average 'race' group ride. Just a touch over 50 miles for me and a couple of sections for me with a heart rate well into the 170s surprise

Finally, props to Willow for his first ride with the A group, looking very composed and comfortable in the group Paul, great stuff!

willow71uk's picture

Thanks Dave. Hopefully you will see more of me in the A group in the coming weeks? As for the white van man in Banks unfortunately my anger got the better of me and i chased him down and gave him a piece of my mind sorry if anybody thought this was inappropriate behaviour. The ride itself was good fun but very wet (some of the mudgaurds are as useful as a chocolate teapot) and i managed to hang on all the way to the cafe then took a slow ride back home with JP and Charlotte to recover my very tired legs.

D N A's picture

Really good ride this week despite the weather. I enjoyed the initial 'Tour de Thornton' before Mark B took the reigns and got us back on track lol. A bit of a mixed group I thought but once we got going it was a nice ride. I especially enjoyed the coast road and Marine Drive blasts with us upping the pace a little and giving everyone a spin. Cervelo Dave as ever was machine like, chewing us all up and spitting us out at the front one by one as we attempted to stay with him from the lights at Tarleton down towards the cafe. Thank god he didn't decide to continue and sprint to the cafe lol, I at least managed to hold on to the few who seemed up for it and surprisingly took the cafe sprint. mantle! After a quick pit stop it was head down and in to the wind for a steadier (Cervelo Dave free zone lol) plod back to Ormskirk. Well done to John who grinded it out with me on the front as we hit that harsh headwind homeward bound towards the kicking Donkey. Once again despite the weather a great ride with a great club and great people. Ready for some nice weather now though! Catch you all Thursday or Sunday or both! Dave.

I'm bad and that's good. I will never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be, than me. (Wreck-It Ralph, 2012)

simonsaunders's picture

For some reason I can't  log in on my IPad, so my post went off to submission review by and administrator... so i'll try again.

A bit of an off-the-cuff ride although Neil and I had had the same general thoughts about direction. I added in the Thornton loop for some extra miles, sorry i missed the turning to Lunt everyone- we'd have been on a nice quiet road there, but thanks to Mark Brownett for getting us onto Hightown curves.

Nice and steady for the most part, with a good leg stretch down the Coast road and Marine Drive. Although to be fair, I don't think Cervelo Dave was out of his comfort zone, despite his protestations. 

Good run in to the café down the A59 - can people please remember we are on a road and to look over their shoulders before pulling out of the line- purely for your own and everyone elses safety!

A small group went for drinks, the larger proportion straight home.

A quick coffee and cake was had before heading back in to the increasing headwind back to Ormskirk.

Data and garmin stuff here -

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